Monday, August 22, 2016

Essential Oils - The Basics

Essential oils. They seem like the newest coolest thing lately, don't they? Showing up on your Pinterest feed and your Instagram account's popular page. Well here is something you probably didn't know. Essential oil's have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. It's true. Evidence of essential oils are documented multiple times in the bible and traces of oils have been found buried within ancient tombs.

Now you're wanting to know what exactly they are. Well I'm going to tell you.

Essential oils are the most pure essence extracted from an ingredient. It is usually very potent and strong due to its pure authentic nature.

There are literally so many different oils. Most common ones you may have heard of are oils such as lemon, lavender (my fave!) and thieves.

Now a lot of people are skeptical of oils because they were uncommon for awhile and usually people don't trust or believe in these sort of 'holistic' ingredients. To be honest, I used to be one of those people, until I tried them.

Now my essential oil story starts only a few years ago. I have had multiple family members suffer significant medical traumas such as cancer and heart attacks and such. I truly think that there are just too many chemicals surrounding us and being consumed by us on a daily basis. So when my friend began telling me about these oils, I just had to know more. I went to a basic essential oil 101 class, bought my starter kit, and the rest is history.

I honestly use them daily. I use them to diffuse in my household to make my home smell nice and clean, I diffuse different blends at night when I am trying to calm down and unwind to get some much needed rest. I put them in and around my kitchen after dinner to clean up and disinfect. I use them in skin care, I use them for bug bites, literally the list goes on and on.

I love the Young Living Essential Oils. They are my favorite and I do not think I will ever use another brand or order from another company. If you want to sign up to be a member (which I think is an awesome idea because it's free, plus you get discounted items and the best oils) feel free to reach out and I'll help you!

I hope I can be consistent with my blog. I really like writing, being online and reading other bloggers articles. I hope I can teach and inspire you guys, and if I'm inconsistent which I probably will be, you can check out my social media pages for up to date posts and feel free to reach out to me for more! My idea is that this blog will be about oils, beauty and whatever else crosses my mind.